September 2, 2021 🇺🇸 MOTHER MARY SAYS... Trust My Son, not your own Wisdom and pray for Donald Trump

1 year ago

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Trust My Son, not your own Wisdom & Pray for Donald Trump

September 2, 2021 - Message from Mother Mary thru Sister Clare

(Mother Mary) “My Son is concerned about the disposition of your hearts. You must ask Him to guard it at all times. As it it written in Philippians 4:6-7... Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

“Your faith wanes because you have not seen with your earthly eyes, what is truly taking place behind the scenes. My children you must guard against this doubt and reject it, let it not take root, and cling to your Lord who will deliver you. Have faith and trust in Him and not in your own abilities or wisdom.

“The Lord greatly values imperishable qualities such as a gentle and quiet spirit. Let your adornment be the hidden person of the heart, it is who you truly are when no one else is looking. If you struggle with faithlessness and doubt, you must allow yourselves to be transformed from the inside out by God’s spirit. Ask Him to help you with this transformation and stay steadfast in your resolve to work with the Holy Spirit.”

(Clare) I was thinking about a hidden place to store food in case our reserve stock gets ransacked during times of famine. Our Lady responded to this thought...

(Mother Mary) “Yes, this is a good idea, when food diminishes from store shelves and people start to get desperate, they will seek out every available option to satisfy their hunger. Do this on the mountain and in town."

(Clare) I responded... 'Yes, Mother.' And because I have the attention span of a gnat, my mind drifted to seeing Donald, whom I saw in great distress as I was going to bed last night. He was tired, exhausted and seemed entirely depleted of energy; physically, mentally and emotionally. I said to him... 'Mr. President clearly you have reached a degree of exhaustion beyond measure, let us take it from here and lift you up in prayer, continually and without ceasing. We will enlist all of heaven to pray for you. Rest now Mr. President, please rest in our Lord’s presence and may His peace envelop you always.' Mother Mary continued...

(Mother Mary) “Pray for Donald, he so needs your prayers during these difficult times children. Pray for his leadership and those around him to be filled with divine wisdom and understanding. Pray they will follow the counsel of God and not of man or demons. Pray that they will have the wisdom and knowledge of God and that they would only obtain direction and leading from God. Pray that the blessings and presence of My Son will be experienced by all people and that their hearts will thirst for Him in their lives. Pray my dear ones, pray.

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