My High Court Hearing against GMC is on 15/02/2023 , I need your financial & moral support .

1 year ago

Billions of pounds were wasted in experimental, unlicensed, vaccine,masks, PPE & sanitisers.
Please read it and spread widely . Thank you.
I was savagely treated by the General Medical Council after expressing my view points of Covid pandemics in early 2020 and it’s far reaching miserable effects on public personal , private lives, health , children education and economy.
On that basis I was dismissed by the trust on 22/4/2020 without any notification . I had no clinical or patient related issues.

This planned move followed by suspension order by the General Medical Council on 01/6/2020 for 12 months which was then extended for another 12 months by the GMC & refered to MPTS where GMC failed to prove its case but my suspension was further extended for another 6 months strange enough for safety of the public by chairman of the MPTS in cohorting with GMC.

Unfortunately I am still suspended and my licence has still been stripped off by the GMC which stops me to practice . This reflects huge injustice , punishment , discrimination, racial abuse against me and my family for the last nearly 3 years .

This has seriously impacted my career , patient care who missed me , I lost my job , total loss of income on Zero Salary , loss of livelihood, my family suffered a great deal with my 3 little children who are seriously traumatised psychologically , emotionally and it seriously compromised their education and livelihood.

I don’t think I had committed any crime to speak out during the time of wilderness when nobody knew anything about Covid pandemic , unprecedented lockdown, social distancing and face masking seriously violated human rights, civil liberties and medical ethics.

Billions of pounds were wasted on robust & unnecessary PPE( personal protect. Equip) , planned experimental , un trilled and unlicensed mRNA vaccination in collaboration with the big pharmaceutical companies with serious harmful effects on the public healths, sudden deaths in all age groups , paralysis, myocarditis ,strokes etc over the last 3 years down the line as I pointed out.

I had no choice but to take the GMC to the High Court for the justice . My court case date is fixed on 15/02/2023. I need your generous financial and moral support to contest my case in the high court to seek justice .

What did I do to the GMC , Mr Massey CEO ,Prof. Collin MD, Prof. Dam Carrie and medical establishment to deserve such a harsh , inhuman, cruel & unjustified treatment totally based on racial discrimination, abuse and victimisation.

I would request to the wealthier charity organisations within U.K. & across the world , public and health professionals to continue supporting the cause for the justice to contest my case in the high bought which is only 6 weeks down the line in London Crown Court for the truth and justice on 15/02/2023 .

You can contribute and support me on the JustGiving page for your generous donation for contesting my case in the High Court for the justice and humanity for 8 billion people across the world against tyranny.
At the end I wish you & family very best of Seasons Greetings ,Merry Christmas & Happy new year .
The link for donation “JustGiving “ is at the footnote. Please do donate generously to win justice for the 8 billion people across the world.

Help me raise £20000 to Fund for Dr Mohammad Adil FRCS Consultant Surgeon & Fellow of The RCS of the UK who stood for the cause of the public in relation to Corona Virus in early 2020 for his High Court Case on 15/02/2023 to reinstate his licence to practice to get him see his patients.

Please #donate on @justgiving and RT. Thanks!

Dr Mohammad I Adil
Chairman : WDA/ GNO/ APMAUK

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