How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - For Real!

2 years ago

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How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy (FOR REAL!)
by Carlos Cavallo Dating and Relationship Advice for Women

Is your man unhappy right now?

Are you worried he might not be happy with your relationship?

That he might be looking to leave you? or possibly cheat?

This is a common issue for women.

After all, you want to make him feel loved.

But men have different needs than women!

And I'm here to tell you how to make your boyfriend happy - For real!

Many people enter into a relationship in the hopes that it will make them happy.

Now of course if you're not happy to begin with, a relationship will just make you extra UNhappy.

Because not only will you be looking in the wrong place -

You will be very likely to project blame on somebody who doesn't deserve it!

Maybe you’ve seen one of these relationships before…

Or been in one of them.

the truth is that men are very easy to make happy.

Some women think it's as easy as giving him sex all the time…

I won't lie, that is a necessary part of this recipe.

So let's just get that out of the way first:

If there is a block or issue with your life in the bedroom - You MUST fix that right away!

There is no amount of other stuff you can do that will make up for not having a fulfilling physical intimacy with him.

Sometimes there is trauma involved. Maybe you have some previous experience of abuse. Maybe he has some sexual dysfunction…

Whatever the reason may be, it must be addressed!

No you can't escape it no matter how hard you try.

Now if your relationship is going through a rough patch and you're not sure if he's happy with you, You are right to look for a solution.

The best way to make sure he stays in the relationship is to make sure that he is happy with the relationship.

FIRST Here are a couple of don'ts:

1 DON'T - let him walk all over you

No woman ever had a successful relationship where this was her strategy.

It doesn't work for anybody.

And you definitely don't want a man who…

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru

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