The American Mercury On The Leo Frank Trial Closing Arguments Of Solicitor Dorsey Part One Trial of Leo Frank

2 years ago

Hugh Dorsey, the Solicitor General for the State of Georgia presents his case in regards to the rape and murder of Mary Phagan by Leo Frank. He summarizes everything succinctly with various evidences exposing the details of what had transpired in the incident thereby causing the jury to convict Leo Frank in the immediate trial.

Jewish-American press juggernaut, Adolph Ochs (March 12, 1858 - April 8, 1935) owner of
the New York Times, and Albert D. Lasker (May 1, 1880 - May 30, 1952) were both involved in artificially maintaining consensus in the National Press that Leo Frank was innocent through their network of media bosses. Their crusade was cynical because behind closed doors Albert Davis Lasker (May 1, 1880 - May 30, 1952) expressed the belief that Leo Frank was a pervert and likely guilty.

The atmosphere surrounding the trial was heavily charged even many years after the event. All the blame fell on the people of Atlanta as being unhinged bigots and anti-Semites that decided to frame and arrest Leo Frank based on false charges for no particular reason other than sheer hate; that is according to the rich, powerful, and well-connected Jews that ran the National media, newspapers, and public press in general. The entire recording of the case proved that to not be the case.

The Solicitor General praises the Jewish people as having been civilized before his own before proceeding with the details of the case. Leo Max Frank is then exposed for what he truly is: a liar and pervert. Despite having come from an intelligent, rich, and successful background, Leo Frank made mistakes that men (both Jewish and Christians/gentile/non-Jewish) greater than him had made before he raped and murdered Mary Phagan. Various examples are cited that show great human beings have made tragic mistakes in their lives. The list includes people like King David and Judas Iscariot from the Bible, Abe Hummell, Abe Reuff, Schwartz, Henry Clay Bettie, amongst others. They go on to argue that circumstantial evidence is good as any other when it comes towards executing a successful conviction.

Originally posted on The American Mercury:

The Mary Phagan Family Website:

Leo Frank Archive:

Leo Frank Research Library:

The American Mercury:

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