AUSSIE COP KILLERS | MSM Hit Piece Discussion 4 days after the tragedy occurred

2 years ago

We discuss a news article written by ABC Australia regarding the Queensland Cop Killers. The mainstream media has come out with more information without any form of evidence, it is all just hearsay at this stage as it has only been 4 days since the tragedy occurred.

The MSM puts the call out to the public to contact them for any information regarding the alleged killers back story. This video shows that any i formation is good information when it comes to creating a juicy hit piece by the mainstream media.

4 days into the investigation of the incident that occurred in country Queensland, the MSM disregards any facts or evidence detail and just rely on hearsay. He said, she said.

Join us as we go over the information and try to dissect in a critical thinking kind of way.

#tragedy #hitpiece #copskilled #policemurders #police #australia #qld #wieambilla #chinchilla #nathanieltrain #garethtrain #staceytrain #shootout #murder #fishystory #wherestheevidence #hanglooserecluse

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