CAMERA STAND OFF WITH MSM | Full Video encounter with MSM - I just wanted to interview them

2 years ago


This is the full video of my encounter with MSM and the camera stand off that occurred at the Perth Freedom Rally where Julian Assange’s father was due to speak yesterday, Nov 19th 2022.

The first video is a commentary video of the event so that you can understand where I was coming from and what I was trying to do.

I have put together a video with commentary as a disclaimer so you can see how these events unfolded.

The second part of the video is the full video encounter with MSM without my extra commentary.

The mainstream media will not talk to us, this is what we have to do to try and get a story/interview from them , we have to use their own tactics and chase people down the street for a story. I was able to chase the female reporter away while trying to ask her questions for which she would not answer. My job there was done as I chased them away for a story.

We are just trying to counteract mainstream media while we turn the cameras on them and try to ask questions for our story. The MSM have been programmed by their masters not to speak to the public or answer any questions. The MSM seem to get intimidated when we point the cameras at them and ask them questions. They need to be held accountable for their lack of hard questions against our government and the recent legislation changes that were made in parliament.

Since they wouldn’t answer my questions or have a chat with me, I decided I may as well “tell them what I think and give them my opinion”.

Sit back and watch this Hang Loose Recluse video unfold before your very eyes and remember, it’s a camera stand off and the MSM tried to intimidate HLR by pointing the camera at our journalist. They didn’t have to turn their camera on me, all they had to do was watch my channel and they can see everything they as I will show the world the behind the scenes view of modern MSM journalist’s.

If they just answered my questions instead of being stand off’ish , there wouldn’t have been a “Camera Stand Off”.

Thank you, please send your complaints to MSM

Hang Loose Recluse reserves our right to use freedom of our rights to film in public and create alternative news stories and if that so happens to be the MSM news packs hiding from our questions, then this just points out that the MSM is a dogs breakfast as they try to alienate themselves from their lack of integrity to respect others who are just trying to bring alternative information to the public.

We all need to use our rights to freedom and bring alternative news stories to the people of the world. If the MSM were the only people to run around in public with cameras and chase people for stories, then it would be bigoted news (oh wait, it already is bigoted news). With government leaders only choosing “hand selected” journalists to cover their press conferences, the MSM is already regarded as bigoted News.

#MSM #camerastandoff #julianassange #johnshipton #7News #perth #australia #freedom #HangLooseRecluse #wearefree

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