COP KILLER STORIES | Was this Primary School Principle Really a Cop Killer !

2 years ago

Stacey Train has been labelled by MSM as a cop killer. It’s hard to fathom that this lady may have been responsible for pulling the trigger in the QLD Police Execution Siege.

If this is true, we sure hope it is backed up by body worn police cameras.

We do a screen recording of this nonsensical news article. There’s not one second of evidence that suggests she is guilty of what they are saying in this article?

Critical thinkers must analyse and determine for themselves if this lady is as evil as they say she is. It’s very hard to fathom that she could have domes this.

Two days after the Queensland Police execution siege, this is what the headline of the mainstream media are saying.

Hang Loose Recluse critically thinks and tries to understand how this could all be a manipulated story since none of the so called killers are alive to tell their tale.

It seems a bit suss at this rate as there is just too many fishy stories from the mainstream media.

Can the mainstream media be trusted in 2022? Do you really trust the Mainstream media to let the truth get in the way of a good story?

#copkiller #staceytrain #policeexecutions #truthordare #lies #truth #mainstream media #canthisbetrue #schoolprinciple #queensland #australia #wieambilla

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