Cad Bane Found in the Kenobi Trailer

2 years ago

Something I think we could see in the Kenobi show is Cad Bane appearing. In the clone wars Cad Bane already had many run ins with Kenobi, so I could definitely see him being hired by the empire, or perhaps a third party to find Kenobi. Perhaps getting in the way of Vader even.
It could be here that we also see a young Boba Fett, 10 years after revenge of the Sith, where he would be in his mid twenties at this point. We could see perhaps Cad mentoring Boba Fett and maybe they both get hired to track down Kenobi, and this could be the job that Cad Bane was referring to in the book of Boba Fett where he said something to the effect of this isn’t the first time I beat you out on a job. Bane mentored Boba after Jango died, as Jango mentored him, so it would be fun to see their relationship develop.
I could see Cad being hired just like he was in the clone wars to do work for Palpatine. He has come across Kenobi many times before, and has beat him in combat, so if there’s one being who can take Kenobi on, track him down, and capture him besides Vader, it’s Cad Bane.
Now, we also saw this image in the kenobi trailer, which many fans believed it’s either Han Solo or Cad Bane. Now after examining the blasters, this doesn’t look like a DL 44 which is Han’s or the LL-30 blaster pistol that cad bane had. Now while it still could be the characters with modded weapons, we have to wonder what would Cad Bane be doing infront of the inquisitor, as if to gun her down. It could be that Cad found Kenobi, and he’s going to bring the bounty in all by himself.

Cad Bane top 10-

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