Time for changes

2 years ago

I made a choice few weeks ago after thinking about it for long time,I’m gonna go to Thailand for two months and then move to Scotland for a while then if everything goes as planned i will move to Thailand with my brother and with a Thai friend open a coffee shop,pizzeria,we have been talking about this project for a while so i will try my best to make it happen,all of this is a big change for me especially moving to Scotland,i came to London for a reason but after 5 years i didn’t achieve what i came for but i had gained something else instead…….wisdom,i corrected and improved part of my personality that needed to be changed and i’m really happy about that,have been hard,painful,sad,frustrating but at finally i made the change within myself i needed to make,now that i attained something different then what i actually wanted i have this urge to leave,to move,isn’t easy cause i think that what i’m looking for i can easily find it in London but this is my mind to talk,mind makes mistakes,i feel that i can attain what i want even in Scotland,everywhere as long i carry within me inner peace but my mind won’t shut up,i had let my mind taking charge of my life for long time but this time i want to listen my soul,it’s scary cause i’m going to leave all my securities here in London for new adventures i have no idea where will lead me,as i said my mind sees all the worst scenarios but my soul feels like is gonna be a great adventure that will lead me to achieve my dreams,sometime i think why i have to achieve those dreams? why i have those dreams? if at the end i’m gonna die which is the purpose of achieving dreams with the consequent happiness\pain,maybe is right Anita Moorjani that in her Near Death Experience said when back from death that she understood we have a sort of obligation to evolve spiritually,if coming to life we wouldn’t have those urges,instincts,we wouldn’t chase any goals with the consequent challenges so we wouldn’t make any mistakes and we wouldn’t learn anything,so it is like we have an obligation to evolve spiritually.

Closer i get to the day i leave bigger the fear of the unknown becomes,i’m trying to control my emotions and don’t let them control me but isn’t easy at the moment,i want to believe that all what we go trough is for a bigger purpose,a good purpose,i like to believe we are all connected,i like to believe that the spiritual world try to reach us in a daily basis with synchronicities,numbers,sentences and from all the messages i got especially trough synchronicities and numbers makes me feel i’m on the right life path at the moment,few months ago for fun i registered to an online tarot reading,after that i have been receiving every day in my email the relative explanation of the tarot card that have been chose for me,so many times now when looking for a guide,an answer it would pop up a card that would be like an answer and guide me trough my worries,sometime so accurate that didn’t leave me any doubts that was for me,same with numbers,every time now i see a number that drawn my attention when reading the relative explanation it feel really like is for me,all the messages have been almost the same,i’m in the right life path and i should go ahead with what planned.

Few weeks ago going to my GP to check for the results of a MRI i done last month after leaving the clinic i stopped to a coffee shop for a coffee,inside there was a good friend of mine that does tarot readings and was studying about a new tarot’s reading method,i knew wasn’t a coincidence and joking i asked her if she would do a reading for me there and she said yes,that was great cause i was planning to see a tarot reader and having it from this friend that i trust was even better then i thought,she took the cards made me chose randomly some then explained the meanings of the cards i chose.

Among the cards i chose there was a symbol that drawn my attention,the Hermit,months ago i requested a free online tarot reading from a woman that daily email me a new tarot card and relative explanation,few weeks earlier before meet my friend at the coffee shop i have been emailed not one but 3 cards that i felt a kind of answer to what i was trying to figure out with some life choices i made,i felt strongly they were been sent to me purposely to tell me what to do next with my life,i felt everything connected,the online lady,my friend at the coffee shop.the card with the Hermit,my friend pointing this card more then the others and then when done with the reading heading back home checking my emails i noticed a new email from that website,i checked it and……….there wasn’t a new card for that day but there was a deeper explanation of a previous card……..The Hermit,obviously that confirmed that’s what i need to go trough if i want to start to change my life,this is the email with the card:

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