🔴Moscow Idaho 4: White Elantra SPOTTED - Police Body Cam

2 years ago

🔴 Moscow Idaho 4: White Elantra SPOTTED - Police Body Cam

Body Cam released by Moscow, Idaho police department regarding an alcohol related incident a few blocks away from 1122 king Rd, Moscow, Idaho on the night of the murders November 13, 2022 shows what appears to be the white sedan wanted by police. At 2:58 a sedan passes by the officers headed towards the 1122 king residence. This time falls inline with security video obtained at the gas station at 2:45 a.m. headed towards the residence. It has been confirmed by another security camera a few blocks over close by the residence still headed in the direction towards the house. So, we know this white sedan was in the immediate area at the right time on November 13, 2022. Although, the officers would have most likely been gone by the time this white sedan come out of that area, the other two cameras from the apartment a block from the residence for sure should have this car coming out since it is a dead end. The security cam from the gas station could possibly have the white sedan exiting but is too far away from this position to say for sure the car did follow its exact route on its exit. Its very IMO that whoever would have backtracked their exact movement on the way out though. What do ya'll think? Let me know in the comments.

#idaho4 #idahohomocides #idaho4murders

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