Craft, Crop Circles and Christmas! The Paranormal Peep Show Christmas edition Dec 2022

2 years ago

Welcome to the world of strange craft, Crop Circles and of course, Christmas In this case, it's with Neil and Andy of The Paranormal Peep Show. A bumper edition for the Yule tide season, bringing back popular guests such a Ben Emlyn-Jones. Nic Sands, Leigh Thatcher and Philip and Ronnie Kinsella of Twin Souls Radio.
Discussed is such subjects of strange UFO craft, Remote Viewing techniques, Crop Circles, Meteors, Pleidians, Greys, Reptilians, Uri Geller, mediumship,the late actress Kate 'O Mara returning as a possible spirit, Skycrash Throughout Time. Big Foot, Football, Jibby Jibs and other strange and fantastical stuff. Plus that very strange thing known as Christmas!!

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