it's not a disability but an opportunity

2 years ago

how did i fall short today, Lord?
did i take God's words n contort em
i could never exploit God, i am thinking too highly of myself
i am always in a state of paranoid concern that i'm getting it all wrong (i guess that just means i'm an artist)
i just don't wanna be a negative influence (it's funny that i sing this right now, just keep watching the video you'll see what i mean)
man this person had no idea that they're on the internet
people that watch me n scorn what i do
all these people don't have Christ to direct em
there's always sumin that happens to set me back on track *of gratitude
i'm very lucky to have this and to know that this option exists
so many just reject it and they won't get shit outta the Scripture so don't even bother
much like an acid trip, set & setting
you gotta be open and willing to understand it and amend your way of life
i dunno if it's THE most unique story but it is pretty out there
the only one you should be comparing yourself to is YOU
who did you used to be
for some reason it sounded so weird
the tv inside my brain, channels flip on their own
this party i can't refrain from engaging in all the time (even in public)
so much happier than i've ever been
just accept it whatever the fuck it is
maybe i'm not supposed to be _____
i allowed myself to be sad, now i'm ecstatic
once again, real life 24 hour party people
my mindset is ideal cos i accept what's real
this is interesting considering that many would assume i hallucinate on a regular basis haha
so many people do this it's frightening
whatever you're fighting, there's a reason under lying
...if you want it you'll find em
VICTIM ad infinitum
this idea that the world owes em sumin is so silly
i wish i could package what i have and give it to everyone
there's a gift there, i promise *excessive scrutiny at its' best!
if you sit with it long enough it...probably won't be so bad after awhile
sari i can't talk yawl
consider yourself lucky to get 3 chords
just cos it's hard don't mean that it's bad or that you're not supposed to go thru that
just cos you don't wanna deal w/ this or that thing, just shut up n stop whining
and here i go again...
the solutions are always right there in front of ya
...but you just keep staring at your phone (that's all everyone does now)
can't believe i relate to "humanity"
it's really weird having empathy if you really think about it
oh! how unimportant i am
we're all just teenie tiny dots in the ginormous picture that God is painting
i pray that they find their purpose
i interpret the Bible pretty literally
i know most people are sheep with really terrible shepherds
Jesus is the only good shepherd
i'd rather be in His flock than anywhere else
to the very few it's quite profound
oooh i actually hate that, it's not that good but it was a nice switcheroo
imma stop there i suppose
all their shepherds keep changing
we sinners know we are unworthy of the Chalice
you'll get a way better testament from someone in prison than most people in God's Holy House
so intimidated when i first arrived (formerly baddie4shoes)
intense is an appropriate word to describe it
am i feeling myself up right now, wtf
house of God, amy
scratch that eye bitch!
it's a completely different thing being in an Apostolic Church
all other churches are regular ass churches
you are always punching down no matter what hahaha
you're church blows dude, it's in a kroger
formerly corporate commie grocery store chain and now a center for Jesus
i know i've said this before, we are still formulating dag nabbit
if this was a comical endeavor, it'd be brilliant
visual: kroger but instead of products it's Jesus stuff
sometimes it's harder to find the joke than others
i don't wanna be hateful, cos that ain't the message
i wanna be lovingly hateful
future bit here, wait for it vortex
i wanna be a honey comb insult comic
not to be deceiving but cleverly constructive
questions that people oughta ask themselves before they say/do anything
we need God's help to be good and better and do what we strive to do
there is a little shame in what i represent
i can't really be any other way, man
some demonic spirit has been fucking with me all my life
being on yt/rumble and doing stand up is what i'm supposed to do
i know i sound like an insensitive cuntsore
so many members of society (pussies) that don't wanna deal with anything on their own
our society doesn't promote self-reliance (based solely on God's reliance)
they don't teach kids how to do anything useful
how to be a piece-a-shit mass consumer
creativity is a threat to the system
stop letting the devil's underlings convince you you're a victim
so naive...i almost said stupid
some of em are very very stupid but they're all blatantly naive
brain washed to trust the system that's all that is
legit sorry cos i wanna help people that's it
what's help in a society that believes in pharmies
i love being myself i'm so cool
why can't people just be sad
discomfort and's fine yawl
pills are a bandaid, that's it
JBA just being american (innoculation via public school+hospitals+travelling)
they underestimate the accumulative effects of these heavy metals and whatever else they put in that shit
you gotta dig with an open mind and LISTEN with humility
such a good person for trusting the CDC website (all hail science)
people that mock conspiracy theorists SCUM
you're so stupid to ask questions
that's what it means to be _____
i know we go off
all these boomers and gen x are adult children
ag is the adult child you wanna adopt
we still have fun shopping in grocery stores when depressed
pray for me, we're about to go shopping
*what i mean by this final statement is that they brain wash us with that freedom chant all the while poisoning us with products they don't sell anywhere else

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