Cliff High Nov 13 prediction

2 years ago

Nov 13 Cliff High Prediction

This Reading was done previously on November 11 based on videos done by Cliff High where he predicts that there will be a high release of tension based on the work he does by analyzing web data and language which can predict the future of events.

Today being November 29 we can see that his prediction did in fact come through and this was shown through the FTX scandal and its domino effect which is rippling through the crypto, financial and political world.

In the past we can see the 2 of swords almost showing that the financial crash was being held by someone until the right moment.

In the present we can see the page of swords as the messenger (Cliff) bringing the world a better understanding of our reality through his work in language and computer web data analysis.

The moon card shows us going through a painful but needed journey due to this high release of tension data and the 8 of swords as a test for humanity to see if we can make it through the big ugly. Lucky for us in the future the 2 of wands is a gateway for us to look at a new world past this financial crisis.

In the advice section we can see the 10 of wands as a physical ending to this cycle tied to the financial system and the High Priestess as a need for us to cooperate with spirit in order to pass through this gateway / the big ugly.

Further advice with the 3 of pentacles and the 5 of swords shows that this strategy is being put in place in order for us to move out of trouble waters with the 6 of swords and lead us to a better financial situation with the 6 of pentacles.

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