Will Saskatchewan become Independent

2 years ago

Will Saskatchewan become independent?

This reading was previously done on November 17th

In this reading we get a clear yes to the question as shown by the ace of cups. Divine timing represented by the temperance card will determine when this will happen but the journey to come out of the last two years of hardship is shown by the moon card and the 5 of pentacles. Many people like myself were wronged by the government at hand even if they pretended to show an olive branch by stopping the mandates.

In the future we see that this independence from Canada and most likely and alliance with the other 2 prairie provinces will lead to a successful and abundant future as shown by the 10 of pentacles, the 4 of wands and the lovers card.

Further clarification shows deals being made for this alliance and break from Canada to happen as shown by the two of cups. A need to put a witty and forceful attitude in order to fight Ottawa and hold our resource and money in our backyard rather than give it to the east as shown by the devil card, the 5 of wands and the 4 of pentacles.

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