Winter Solstice/Capricorn Moon '22 #astrology #harmonics #affirmations #sedna #nodes

2 years ago
5 The last time the Nodes were in Scorpio (SN) and Taurus (NN) was at the time of Sedna's discovery. Sedna itself was conjunct the North Node in Taurus, showing us the way to transcend our darkest hour, just as we are at this current Winter Solstice. Learn more about Sedna in my book "The Return of Planet Sedna: Astrology, Healing, and the Awakening of Cosmic Kundalini":
Sun/New Moon/Saturn (Cap New Moon):
I now embrace a new cycle of spiritual mastery and integrity that gives structure to my destiny and purpose.

Venus/Merc/Pluto in Capricorn (Conjunction):
I now attract all that I love, communicate with integrity, and harmoniously blend authenticity and passion.

Pluto/Venus/Uranus (Nodal Rulers & Uranus/NN conj.
The more I let go of the past, the more I accelerate my own and others’ awakening with peace and harmony.

Jupiter/Ceres/Sun (T-square)
I recognize any tension arising within me as an opportunity for growth and courageous self-expression.

Jupiter/Ceres/New Moon (T-square)
The more I allow myself to feel and express, the faster I am able to heal and evolve.

Jupiter/Ceres/Sedna (sextile and trine)
As I attune to the Great Mother, and surrender to her care, I embody the true nature of unconditional love and prosperity.

Pluto/Sedna/Ceres for the trine:
Abundance is all around me even when I can’t see it, and the more I trust, the more I feel supported by Source who provides an ever increasing and never ending supply.

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