Shunyata Denali versus Inakustik AC-4500 - Power Conditioners Without the Typical Downsides

2 years ago

You will always hear claims from audiophiles saying XYZ is the "best power conditioner", but that has proven to be a very primitive and hyperbolic conclusion in my experience.

There are so many variables and considerations for you to evaluate to determining the best power conditioner for YOU!

Do you even have a problem with dirty power? Does the power supply in your gear already address it? Do you need protection? Do you run high power amps and want to plug them into a power conditioner that doesn't restrict power? These are all questions you need to evaluate before deciding the best power conditioner for your gear and needs.

In prior videos, I discussed these issues in more detail and featured the Inakustik AC-4500 power conditioner which proved beneficial in my system. This video showcases the Shunyata Denali which also exceeds the bar set by most other power conditioners that have proven to provide negative trade-offs.

After a couple months of comparisons, these two power conditioners share more similarities than differences, but I discuss in this video the small differences to help you discern which may be best for you on metrics such as price, aesthetics, and performance.

For various recommended gear and vendors see my website at

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