SPD Pedals for Road Cycling (pros & cons)

2 years ago

About Neill Stanbury: https://neillsbikefit.com.au
Channel Subscription: https://bit.ly/2NViYKI

What's the best pedal system for beginner cyclists? That can really depend on the individual and what they're trying to achieve. A few weeks ago on this channel I was pushing the Wahoo Speedplays. Not because I was getting paid by them or because I'm in bed with them. It's simply because I have used Speedplays for roughly 13 years and I personally think they're the best pedal system. However, my opinion should not get in the way of 'balance' in a video, which recently happened! By mistake. So this video is designed to carry on from the previous video, outlining the SPD pedals system, which was overlooked in the previous video.

#cycling #pedals

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