2 years ago

If you are a fan of the Nintendo Switch, you may know that having enough chargers for Joy-Cons can be a bit of a pain. thankfully, the team at Retro flag have got an amazing new charger, and it adds some import retro styling too!

I love the Nintendo Famicom, I love everything about it. The games, the system, the controller, it's one of my favorite systems. So when I was cruising Amazon recently to check out the new Retro flag switch grip, I happened to see this and I had to have one.

designed to look like the Nintendo Famicom, this charging dock can charge two different switch Joy-Cons at the same time. You mount them on either side of the system, just as you would Famicom controllers. In the end, it nails the aesthetics and is so much fun to look at.

Make sure you hit that subscribe button as we will be doing a full blown unboxing and review in the future.

#shortsmaschallenge #nintendo #nintendoswitch #joycon #switchaccessories #retroflag

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