Why falling apart is just as important as keeping it together!

2 years ago

For many of us, the year 2022 has been a ‘grief year’!

Collectively, so much of what we thought we knew about ourselves, who we are, and what matters most to us, has been called into question.

We have had a little taste of what the caterpillar goes through before it becomes a butterfly.

It completely dissolves itself into a nutrient rich soup, from which it will begin to take a new form as a butterfly.

It’s as if our old world has been liquified and we aren’t quite on solid ground yet.

So many of us grieving the death of a loved one.

Others are grieving the loss of an old dream or their old life.

The dream that things were going to go back to normal.

In my experience this grief is sacred.

Grief is an old friend that appears at different stages of our journey, to help us clarify what is most important for us, and how we can best use our limited time here.

While we are in the company of grief, there is a fresh realisation of how tenuous, fragile and precious life.

Grief offers us a reminder to approach our lives in a more inspired and heartfelt way.

Click on the below link to continue reading Grada's Blog in full ... https://gradarobertson.com/why-falling-apart-is-just-as-important-as-keeping-it-together/

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