President Barack Hussain Obama Jokes

2 years ago

President Barack Hussain Obama Jokes

Hussain (pbuh) which is also the middle name of President Barack Obama,
Didn't he sign an Executive Order to close Guantanamo Bay in 2009?
There are still 37 detainees there right now.
Dios mío (cuban spanish Goodness Me)

Did you hear about the reporter who asked Obama a hard question? Neither have I!
Obama's stay at The White House is typical of black people's housing in the USA, Renting in social housing from a White landlord before being kicked out after 8 years,
Do you know how Obama proposed to Michelle? He got down on bended knee and said "I don't wanna be Obama self.
I thought when he was in term, I would see a Nissan Altima, weekly garden parties on the North Lawn, smell of fried chicken throughout the house, loud rap music playing until midnight, bringing down the local house prices within a quarter mile radius...
Hey, all you black folk laughing at that, just remember it's only since 1944 that black reporters were allowed to attend this event, let that sink in,
For all you white ladies laughing at the black folk, it's only 1962 since women were allowed to attend this event, think about that for a while,
What is Obama’s favourite TV show? Game of Drones.
Anyway Obama is a complicated and nuanced character, he's not just black and white,
Speaking of black and white affairs apart from this White House Correspondent's Dinner,
What's black and white and red all over?
A penguin with a sunburn,

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