Apollo 17 Astronaut Couldn’t Hide His Surprise When He Saw A UFO On The Moonby

2 years ago

Paranormal.lt Naujienos: Apollo 17 Astronaut Couldn’t Hide His Surprise When He Saw A UFO On The Moonby...

Normally NASA astronauts follow a "script" and they know exactly what and when to say.
This astronaut however was too shocked by something he had never seen before. He forgets his "lines" and no longer follows the script. Instead a long and not planned discussion and conversation starts. The astronaut is truly amazed. Unlike his colleague, who seems to be in charge. The astronaut asks what these objects were that flew over his head. Than it becomes hilarious. Flabbergasted, the second astronaut does also not know what to say! This was not planned and not in the script. He is however aware of the fact that they are being watched by NASA officials. more... https://www.planet-today.com/2022/07/apollo-17-astronaut-couldnt-hide-his.html
Source: @Planet Today

#Aliens #SpaceSecrets #UAP #UFOPhenomenon #PlanetToday #nasa #apollo17 #ufo
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