18 The future of slingshots: hi-tech or classic?

2 years ago

Where are we heading? Will the future slingshot be hi tech or simple and classic?

Great question. No one knows the future, but here's our thoughts on this one:
Some slingshots may be more "hi tech" ( think https://simple-shot.com/axiomx ), but the simplest of slingshots can still be the most rewarding. Ever made your own from a tree fork? Right. They're fantastic!

So what the future holds? We think there's room for all of the styles that aren't gimmicks. Lasers and such? Nah. Until a laser actually can do what it's supposed to, there's no place for that.

Make sure you subscribe for a notification when the next slingshot question is published.

This season we will be releasing regularly all season long. We have a lot of questions this season and we'll be sending them out each day!

Give us a rumble if you agree and stay tuned. Lots of slingshot goodness headed your way!

Visit https://simple-shot.com for all your slingshot needs.

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