ODE TO THE NIGHT (2022) - A (Micro Short) Vampire Film by John H Shelton - Watch for a Limited Time!

2 years ago

ODE TO THE NIGHT - A Short Horror Film about David and his waking Nightmares of Vampires!

Narrator - Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc
David - @Dylan Knight
Female Vampire #1 - Marie Wagstaffe
Female Vampire #2 - Patsy Buck

Directed by John H Shelton.
Music by @David Beard Music. A MrSheltonTV Production - 2017/2022.

"DEARG DUE – VOWS, VENGEANCE, AND VAMPIRIC RETRIBUTION" - Article by Ann Massey of DARK EMERALD TALES: https://darkemeraldtales.wordpress.com/2014/06/28/dearg-due-vows-vengeance-and-vampiric-retribution/

(re)Search My Trash - Review: http://www.searchmytrash.com/cgi-bin/creditsb.pl?odetothenight(2017)

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John's Tee-Spring: https://my-store-c4507c.creator-spring.com/
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