The Hottest Nude Vampire Films Ever [Horror Land]

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1 year ago

The Hottest Nude Vampire Films Ever [Horror Land]
As much as you may think that Bram Stoker gave birth to the modern vampire, it was actually a doctor named John William Polidori that is credited with the first published modern vampire story. In 1819, introducing us to our very first blood sucking aristocratic fiend. Up until then, Vampires had been nothing more than bloated corpse that people feared had risen form the grave. Polidori story was so popular, that he completely changed the face of vampires.
It was in 1872 that vampires become sexy, when Irish writer J. Sheridan Le Fanu wrote a vampire novel called Carmilla, whose lesbian exploits were shrouded in metaphor and mystery. Whilst Dracula was one of the biggest influences on the vampire mythos, it was Carmilla that took 20th century European liberalism by storm.
The lesbian vampire sub-genre, was a huge thing during the 70’s, and filmmakers were saturating the market with exploitive films for a primarily male audience’s titillation, many based on Carmilla. Using the female form as tool to entice people into cinemas was a common practice during this period of cinema. Sexual desire was a key selling point for gothic horror.
However, in modern cinema, nudity and sex are part and parcel of the experience, albeit in a fairer manner, where your just a s likely to see naked men as you are women. Being more liberal these days, it’s easier to look back on these films and enjoy them without a lingering sense of guilt. They are often artier then pornographic, and also bloody and violent to boot. With that said, we look at some of the finest examples of nude vampire films, some of which you may never have heard of before? They are dead, hot and naked, here are The Hottest Nude Vampire Films Ever!


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