The History of Depopulation // Actionable Items

2 years ago

1763 French Indian War
The British during the French-Indian War. The Native Americans greatly outnumbered the British and were suspected of being on the side of the French. As an "act of good will" the British give blankets to the Indians, but the blankets came from a hospital that was treating smallpox victims and consequently smallpox raged through the Native American community and devastated their numbers.

1814 Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson, whose portrait appears on the U.S. $20 bill today, supervised the mutilation of 800 or more Creek Indian corpses, the bodies of men, women and children that his troops had massacred, cutting off their noses to count and preserve a record of the dead, slicing long strips of flesh from their bodies to tan and turn into bridle reins.

1918-1919 The Flu
Flu pandemic that killed over 20 million worldwide and over 500,000 here in the US.

Margaret Sanger organized her "Negro project," a program designed to eliminate members of what she believed to be an "inferior race." Margaret Sanger justified her proposal because she believed that:
"The masses of Negroes ...particularly in the South, still breed carelessly and disastrously, with the result that the increase among Negroes, even more than among whites, is from that portion of the population least intelligent and fit..."

Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with Malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend their own actions during the Holocaust.

It was discovered that black children as young as age five were having psychosurgery performed on them at the University of Mississippi in Jackson in order to control "hyperactive" and "aggressive" behavior. Their brains were being implanted with electrodes that were heated up to melt areas of the brain that regulate emotion and intellect. When we first opposed these experiments, and eventually stopped them, we did so despite resistance from organized psychiatry and the research community.

Planned Parenthood

In 1921 Margaret Sanger. Founded the American Birth Control League. Margaret Sanger wrote "The Pivot of Civilization" in which she called for:
"The elimination of human weeds, for the cessation of charity because it prolonged the lives of the unfit, for the segregation of morons, misfits, and the maladjusted, and for the sterilization of genetically inferior races."
In the 1930’s Margaret Sanger published "The Birth Control Review." In that magazine she openly supported the "infanticide program" promoted by Nazi Germany and publicly championed Adolf Hitler’s goal of Aryan white supremacy. In the years prior to World War II Margaret Sanger commissioned Ernst Rudin, a member of the Nazi Party, and director of the dreaded German Medical Experimentation Programs, to serve as an advisor to her organization.

Edward S. Van Duyn

(1872 - 1955) founded the Planned Parenthood Center of Syracuse, New York. Planned Parenthood Federation of America was an organization that was set up to accomplish several objectives. The organization’s own stated purpose is very revealing:
"To provide leadership: making effective means of voluntary fertility regulation, including contraception, abortion, sterilization, and infertility services, available and fully accessible to all as a central element of reproductive health; stimulating and sponsoring relevant biomedical, socioeconomic, and demographic research; developing appropriate information, education, and training programs to increase knowledge about human reproduction and sexuality."
Planned Parenthood Federation of America has about 190 affiliated organizations and actively promotes its agenda all over the world. It operates about 900 centers in the U.S. It maintains a 5,000 volume library on abortion, sterilization, and population control. One of its leaders Alan F. Guttmacher signed the Humanist Manifesto, and the president Faye Wattleton was awarded "Humanist of the year" in 1986. Both hate Christians.*s4sn6a*_ga*MjAzNjY3OTAxOC4xNjcwMTg1NjE4*_gid*MTM4OTc0MzY0OC4xNjcwMTg1NjE4*_gac*Q2p3S0NBaUFwN0djQmhBMEVpd0E5VTBtdG9QUktGczRaazYySGNkNkZldG10N0ZrUl93YXdZV1h5YWZVTUhlZlhMZlZMaHlZa2ZZT3pob0NGMllRQXZEX0J3RS4xNjcwMTg1NjIy

Relation between Population Control and Abortions
If the Georgia Guidestones state they want the global population to drop from 8 Billion to 500 million, voluntary abortion and immune system attacks help them reach this goal
Keeping the wombs with zero fetus issues and aborting the undesirables

We spoke about depopulation and a little about abortion as one of the methods. However, I want to dive more into the spiritual and motivation that would make someone sacrifice their children for any cause. NEXT Molech w/ Ty
“You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to Moloch, and so profane the name of your God” (Leviticus 18:21).
In II Kings xxiii. 10 it is stated that one of the practises to which Josiah put a stop by his reform was that of sacrificing children to Molech, and that the place where this form of worship had been practised was at Topheth, "in the valley of the children of Hinnom." This statement is confirmed by Jer. xxxii. 35. From II Kings xxi. 6 it may be inferred that this worship was introduced during the reign of Manasseh. The impression left by an uncritical reading of these passages is that Molech-worship, with its rite of child-sacrifice, was introduced from Ammon during the seventh century B.C.

The motive for these sacrifices is not far to seek. It is given in Micah vi. 7: "Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?" In the midst of the disasters which were befalling the nation men felt that if the favor of Yhwh could be regained it was worth any price they could pay. Their Semitic kindred worshiped their gods with offerings of their children, and in their desperation the Israelites did the same.

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