ZOMBIES Helped The Prepping Movement!

2 years ago

It sounds dumb but ZOMBIES have done more for the prepping movement than any real life threat to society. In some ways that's sad but at least people are more prepared for a real issue!

Joining us today is Clay Martin, a friend of mine with an extensive military background. That’s right, it’s gonna be another Military chat, and I’m very excited for it! He now runs a self defense consulting business, and his goal right now is to prepare people for any unexpected situation you might experience in the future. Clay Martin is the author of a few books, Concrete Jungle and Prairie Fire.

In his own words: I consider myself primarily a father these days, but I have had a number of strange jobs over the years. I am a retired Green Beret, more specifically an 18F Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant, from 3rd Special Forces Group. Prior to that I was a Reconnaissance Marine and Scout Sniper in the USMC. In my years since retiring from that life, I have been a competitive shooter, contractor, firearms instructor, and general purpose hired gun.
When my first son was expected, I realized I need a change of careers. So I did what came naturally, and started writing for a digital magazine. As my exposure to other professional writers grew, many of whom had written books, I realized I had stories that needed telling. I wrote Last Son of the War God, my first novel, in 2017.

Quickly- I'm Scott Groves - Husband, Father, Loan Officer, Coach, Author, Podcaster, and Recent Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

This podcast is paid for and brought to you by.... by me, Scott Groves :-)

Because I think these kind of long form conversations are valuable, I pay for 100% of the production of this show out of my pocket. This channel is FAR from monetization and because of the subject matter, may never be monetized.

I am a Mortgage Loan Officer & Loan Officer Coach in real life. It's the money that I earn, from helping home-buyers and home-owners obtain home-loans, that pays for this show. If you, your friends, or your family are looking for a home loan from an honest Loan Officer, please contact me at Scott@ScottGrovesTeam.com

I can do the loan for you (our team is licensed in 8 states) - OR - I can refer you to an amazing loan officer in the state where you're searching. ON WITH THE SHOW!!!

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