"Injustice For All" - by "Globallistica"

2 years ago

The Dystopic future they have planned for us citizens of the earth whom they (The ruling class aka financial elite aka oligarchs aka T.H.E.Y. THE HIERARCHY ENSLAVING YOU) their NEW WORLD ORDER will be a nightmare for us all unless we put a stop to it before it, like the "Death Star" in "Star Wars" reaches full completion. Under the guise of U.N. Agenda 2030, the HOAX "Climate Change" their manufactured "Pandemics- fake DEPOPULATION vaccines" MASS CENSORSHIP, the coming WW3, and other horrific implements they plan to take full control and in essence reduce our level of freedom-human rights to that of domestic animals, tracked-traced-vaxxed and depopulated leaving the resources of the earth to their exclusive control. The wretched globalist band "Globallistica" understands this all full well and taunts the plebes-peons-proles-sheeple with their latest song "Injustice For All"

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