Little Dark Age - Video Game Addiction

2 years ago

A little Dark Age masculinity edit centred around video game addiction and the transition from 6+ (usually 10 tbh) days of gaming to completely quitting and focusing on real life progress. I know some people may not like this edit as it's not the typical little dark age/reject modernity format and focuses on a topic (gaming) that many still hold close to their hearts, but I believe there are many that do need to log off, unplug and focus on their vision. Nothing competes with real life progress. Nothing beats grinding XP IRL. I hope this motivates some of you to start reducing time spend in the digital world and increase time spend in nature.

I believe the true way to reject modernity and embrace masculinity is to maximise our focus on IRL activities and reduce hyper intense dopamine addicting pleasures as much as possible. If you're addicted to video games feel free to comment below and I'll throw some suggestions your way as to how I quit.

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Music used: Little Dark Age

Topic: Little Dark Age - Video Game Addiction

#littledarkage #littledarkageedit #rejectmodernity #masculinity

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