NASA released a video about the evolution of the universe after 12 years

2 years ago

NASA released a video about the evolution of the universe after 12 years | Three Tea Trees

⁄⁄ W H A T I N T H I S V I D E O
The universe had undergone great change in the last twelve years. Not just stars, but black holes had eaten away at all the matter in their path, or we could witness a dying star as its light was absorbed byholes. However, despite these events, scientists have been able to glean valuable information from Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) using NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission that began operation in 2009.

The universe has gone through a lot of changes in the past twelve years. New stars have been born and old ones have died, black holes have eaten all the matter in their way, and asteroids and comets have moved around.This data from NASA's Near-Earth Objects Wide Field Infrared Exploration (NEOWISE) mission helps us to understand what is happening in our universe. We've learned about how many objects are out there, where they are, and how much infrared light they emit.It's been an exciting time for scientists, and the short film that was produced as a result of all this data provides us with a glimpse into the future of our universe. After watching, please visit Three Tea Trees on YouTube and subscribe to see the newest video.

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NASA released a video about the evolution of the universe after 12 years
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