AMN Masterclass with Elizabeth Hart - Conflicts of Interest & COVID-19 Vaccines

2 years ago

From Elizabeth Hart

Hi All, I was recently invited by the Australian Medical Network to present on the topic of conflicts of interest in vaccination policy.

I focussed particularly on the influence of the Murdoch media, i.e. News Corp Australia, on taxpayer-funded vaccination policy, including Scott Morrison's impact in facilitating the No Jab, No Pay law, which has now evolved into No Jab, No Job in Covid times.

The influence of the Murdoch empire on Australian taxpayer-funded vaccination policy is a massive scandal which must be exposed and investigated - I provide some background in my presentation.

Likewise Scott Morrison's and the 'Liberal' Party's betrayal of the Australian people under the guise of Covid must be put under the spotlight.

My presentation also highlights that the Morrison Government lied to health practitioners in July 2021, when it announced they would have specific medical indemnity for administering the Covid jabs - it now turns out they don't have this specific Covid medical indemnity.

It's also been clarified by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care that: "Informed consent should be obtained for every COVID-19 vaccination, as per usual consent procedures for other vaccinations."

But has informed consent been obtained? How can voluntary informed consent be obtained under Covid jab mandates?

According to current government statistics, 64.4 million Covid jabs have been administered in Australia...and I question whether authentic valid informed consent has been obtained before any of these jabs.

We are in the biggest crime of all time...

Please see my video presentation, including descriptive slides, for more background on this unfolding scandal:

The PowerPoint slides are accessible via this link:

Also see this link for my correspondence with Health Minister Mark Butler and the Department of Health and Aged Care, for information on the medical indemnity and informed consent issues: Are health practitioners covered for indemnity insurance re the Covid jabs? 21 November 2022. -


Elizabeth Hart
Independent researcher investigating vaccine products and conflicts of interest in vaccination policy

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