COP PLANTS GUN! #Struthers Police All Monies Sent to Christy #GunPlanted #JamesSheets

2 years ago

Almost 3K raised for Christy Rohn and her family of 6 Kids. God Bless you all.

Plus, you can clearly see that this brother cop planted a gun.

Please pick up THE TRIFOLD on INDESTRUCTIBLE PAPER on DeleteLawZ dot com for $25.00. We ship it from Los Angeles. OR -- get the Trifold you PRINT AT HOME for free by Put "FreeTrifold" (When you go to Purchase the $15 Digital Download, that's WHEN you put the ONE WORD, FreeTrifold in and then you print it at home)

Great Lake AUDITS IS IN JAIL IN TOLEDO OHIO; Lucas County Jail. His name is AARON COLLINS.

DeleteLawZ dot com

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