Trust in God Episode 2 - An Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits

2 years ago

Dr Judy Mikovits has a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry from University of Virginia in 1980 and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from George Washington University in 1992. In her forty-year quest to understand the causes, prevent and treat chronic diseases, she has co-authored seminal papers culminating at least a decade of research in each of four fields: immunology, natural products chemistry, epigenetics, and HIV/AIDs drug development. In 2009 Dr Mikovits led the team that first isolated and characterized a new family of human disease-associated retroviruses, XMRVs/HGRVS.

In this episode, (which is episode 2 of our conversation ‘Trust in God’’with Dr Mikovits) we discuss the following:

- Dr Judy tells us what treatment she recommends for the Covid vaccine injured, in particular for those suffering from POTS and Small Fibre Neuropathy.
- Glyphosate, what is it? Is it damaging our Glutathione levels. What does this mean for covid19 viral infection and vaccines. What is the remedy? How does Dimethylglycine help?
- What is in Dr Judy’s morning juice?
- What is Light Dove Ministries. See link below.
- Dr Judy explains that cannabis enhances interferon production and restores the balance to your immune response.
- Dr Judy spent many years acting as an expert witness for the vaccine injured in Vaccine Court (injured from the older vaccines eg Gardasil). What is Vaccine court, why did we never hear about it?
- Dr Judy is asked what is happening to the people who suddenly die straight after the shot? And then we also have this sudden adult death, eg on the sporting field or people just dying in their sleep. Often blamed on heart attack or stroke, but this is in healthy people with no preexisting problems prior to the vaccine.
- Dr Judy discusses the increase in stillbirths. Why is this happening. She refers to the Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dr Jim Thorp, and his recent interview on the Highwire. See below.
- Dr Judy said in our first interview last April, "Our virome is not the monkey virome, we did not evolve from monkeys". We talk more about that.
- Dr Judy tells us how about her husband David’s tragic death in December 2021.
- What would Dr Judy like to see happen now? How can we fix the corruption in the NIH, FDA, and CDC. She has ideas. See the Write Your Laws website below.

Websites, Papers and Books referenced in the interview:


Malgorzata Kloc and Colleagues (2021). “Exaptation of Retroviral Syncytin for Development of Syncytialized Placenta, Its Limited Homology to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein and Arguments against Disturbing Narrative in the Context of COVID-19 Vaccination.” Biology.

Katelyn D. Miller and Colleagues (2016). “Keeping it in check: chronic viral infection and antiviral immunity in the brain” Nature. (see page 769, 770)

Thomas J. Meyer and Colleagues (2017). “Endogenous Retroviruses: With Us and against Us”. Frontiers in Chemistry.

Nicole Grandi and Colleagues (2018). “Human Endogenous Retroviruses Are Ancient Acquired Elements Still Shaping Innate Immune Responses.” Frontiers. See pg 2.

M.A. Read and Colleagues (1993). “Vascular actions of purines in the foetal circulation of the human placenta” British Journal of Pharmacology


- Dr Mikovits website.

-Treatment Products (eg dimethylglycine) can be found at:

- Light Dove Ministeries website

- About the Light Dove Ministeries.

- Cannabis and Hemp products (The hemp mind and body store – Light Dove Ministeries)

-Dr Jim Thorp, Highwire episode 293. Nov 10, 2022.

-“1986 The Act”, A film produced by Andy Wakefield.

-Write Your Laws website, by Greg Penglis.


-Toxic Legacy; How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment By Stephanie Seneff

- On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, By Charles Darwin.

- Science for Sale: How the US Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits By David Lewis

The following Books co authored by Dr Judy Mikovits, that were mentioned in this video, can all be found on her website:

- Plague, Plague of Corruption, Ending Plague.

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