The continental giant rabbit you've never seen before!

2 years ago

How do baby bunnies eat? I was able to capture one of our babies determined to nurse from mom but mom wasn't that interested in letting her nurse too much. Watch how baby flips over under mom to nurse, or try to nurse! This is one of the ways baby bunnies eat from their mother.
These babies are growing fast and are exploring their space more and more every day even with the guinea fowl in the same coop, they are all getting along!
I'm glad to see these baby bunnies growing fast because we live on the southern coast of Nova Scotia, Canada and it's early October here, the weather has been great but it is starting to get cooler at night so it's really important that we keep their nesting space as warm as possible for them with lots of straw and fur mom has pulled from herself to help keep them toasty.

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