Алиса Кожикина — Я не игрушка (Alisa Kozhikina – I Am Not A Toy)

2 years ago

Our musicians: Konstantin Chentsov, Mikhail Tebenkov, Dmitry Rodichev and Dmitry Malygin. Andrew Shaku, for the guitar and kombari. Mikhail Starostin, for the role of a guitarist-policeman. Artur Moiseyev, for the role of an evil policeman. Sky Lake Company for providing uniforms; Anastasia Kuzmenko and Vladlena Osichkina, for the role of teachers, Violetta Volska, for the role of temptress, Daria Semina, for the role of Alisa's friend, Mikhail Koltsov for the role of the boyfriend and all who helped us!

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