Will UST keep its peg or is crypto doomed?

2 years ago

Will UST keep its peg or is crypto doomed?

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► Kucoin: https://www.kucoin.com/ucenter/signup?rcode=7hfNe7
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📸 Instagrams:
Martin Garden - Crypto: https://www.instagram.com/martingardencrypto/
Martin Garden - Gaming: https://www.instagram.com/martingardengaming/
T-Jin: https://www.instagram.com/tjin_official/

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👇🏻My Martin Garden YouTube gaming channel👇🏻

👇🏻My music channel, I rap and sing as T-Jin👇🏻

00:00 - Intro
02:25 - Channel intro
02:35 - UST controversy
03:08 - Can Terra's UST hold its peg?
05:12 - The rise of Terra and UST
05:50 - The UST and Luna algorithm
08:54 - Why the TerraUSD peg might be durable
14:38 - Concerns over sustainability of UST peg
20:00 - UST has a lot of utility
21:54 - Luna drop and selloff risks
22:08 - Excessive LUNA supply
23:50 - More pain for Terra ahead?
24:55 - LFG acquires BTC for reserve
25:25 - What is Do Kwon saying about the peg?
27:00 - UST will only fail if crypto fails
27:42 - Outro
28:19 - Channel outro

💰Wanna donate?💰
Bitcoin: new address coming soon
Ethereum: new address coming soon
Tokens: new address coming soon

#UST #Luna #Terra

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