2014 Conference AMMACH ARCHIVES Excerpts JOANNE SUMMERSCALES 30 30 20 12 22

2 years ago

Following the theme of bringing the AMMACH ARCHIVES up to date, the 2014 conference, edited for clarity and out of archived files into a public space, despite technical difficulties, serves as a point of timeless information and testimony relating to the deep relationship that exists for certain people in the world related to experiences of ET/alien/space family in all its forms.

This time I feature as a speaker, this 30 minute excerpt from the day and my talk covers a range of subjects, not least, how in 2014, I had a plethora of media on my tail, wanting attention, this was apropos the 2013 channel 4 mockumentary that aired June 13 2013, Nothing came of all that attention, and I declined a good bit of it though as I said, I did spend hours on the phone doing interviews on occasion. That is not the case today.

This is an interesting reminder for me of the work in the earlier days, and the associations, the latter is not in play these times. I do believe that it is of paramount importance to communicate and provide a platform - a safe space for experiencers in general, and to explore and research as much as possible not only any encounter, but the fallout from such, and the longer term impact on person, family and social life.

I am not putting the effort in to creating conferences personally any more, but would be open to working collaboratively. The strands of support like workshops I no longer run. Its a lot of work with still not a lot of uptake in the UK. I will in due course, when I feel the time is right, go ahead with PACES, the Parent and Child Experiencer Support, which is set up but not public yet - I think that might be a valuable tool for families, and i shall see if and how that develops. If this is a resource you would like to have, you can let me know.

NB Any material used in this work is done under the Fair Use rule.

Enjoy the presentation, despite the challenges of the audio et all...

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