Baby Will TRUTH-A-THON Part 2: Before Baby Will there was Baby Alex

2 years ago

The Baby Will story went viral at the beginning of Dec 2022, when he was kidnapped by the NZ state, under a court order, and forced to have a vaccinated blood transfusion against his parents’ wishes, for the urgent lifesaving heart surgery he needed.

Counterspin Media wanted to do all we could to support Free NZ to get this story out, so we collaborated to produce a 12 hour TRUTH-A-THON to raise money for the family and get global experts on to discuss the issues that were concerning Will’s parents Samantha Savage and Cole Reeves. The event extended to 14 hours with the arrival and David Icke who generously capped off the event.


Kerry Murray is an ex-pat Kiwi photographer living in England and started the United Free Press, which now includes Counterspin Media along with many great independent media organisations, and also supported the Truth-a-thon. Kerry joins us to discuss the Baby Will case.

Before Baby Will there was Baby Alex - Liz Gunn from Free NZ interviews Montana Mother, Cornelia Hertzler, who lost her baby Alex after he received a blood transfusion containing vaccinated blood. As in Will’s story, Cornelia’s family had arranged for directed donation blood form unvaxxed donors, but the hospital used vaxxed blood in the transfusion.

Samantha Savage, Will’s mother, joins us to give us an update on what the medical staff were doing to harass and pressure her.

Matthew Hague is one of the lawyers helping Sue Grey and he joins us to discuss the bigger picture about the Bill of Rights in NZ.

Support the Baby Will’s family:

A Counterspin Media, Free NZ Media and United Free Press coproduction, co-hosted by Kelvyn Alp, Hannah Spierer and Liz Gunn.

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