Why did UST de-peg? SEC Centralization by Stealth? #citadel #elite #theyareafteryourstablecoins

2 years ago

Terra Luna's UST was supposed to be a stablecoin varying around about $1 USD -but why did it fail? This video discusses the alternative theories circulating around the internet - the link between Citadel, the SEC, legacy institutions, The Terra Luna Foundation and dump/short schemes -and a desperate grab at control over decentralised stablecoins.

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Note: This video is for educational and entertainment purposes, not financial, legal, or accurate advice. Theories stated against aforementioned institutions are the opinion of those article/twitter beholders solely as discussed in the video and not those of CryptoRick or CryptoCurrent.

Further links/references.
Ruholamin Haqshanas (Crypto2022): "Conspiracy Theories Abound as Terra Tries to Save UST". Available from: https://cryptonews.com/news/conspiracy-theories-abound-as-terra-tries-to-save-ust.htm. [Published 10 May , 2022)

Sarah Wynn (Roll Call) SEC’s Peirce sees room to regulate stablecoins through bank ‘lens’. Available from: https://rollcall.com/2021/11/09/secs-peirce-sees-room-to-regulate-stablecoins-through-bank-lens/ [Published Nov 9 , 2021)

Aaryamann Shrivastava (FX Empire)." Terra’s Luna Foundation Guard Dumps $750M Worth of Bitcoin": https://www.fxempire.com/forecasts/article/terras-luna-foundation-guard-dumps-750m-worth-of-bitcoin-994544 [Published 10 May 2022].

Jacob Canfield Twitter https://twitter.com/JacobCanfield?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

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