Amazing Victory Day in Kharkiv region: how Ukrainians reacted to the action of Russian fighters

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2 years ago

Удивительный День Победы в Харьковской области как украинцы отреагировали на акцию русских бойцов
Под песни военных лет российские бойцы угощали кашей, раздавали продукты. Наш военкор, путешествующий с "Отважными", пообщался с жителями посёлка Боровая Изюмского района, которые от души благодарили российских солдат. Особенно приятно было услышать мнения детей по поводу празднования Дня Победы.
Victory Day in the liberated cities: in the Kharkiv region, the "Brave" organized a real holiday for local residents

Under the songs of the war years, Russian fighters were treated to porridge, handed out food. Our military commander, traveling with the "Brave", talked with the residents of the village of Borovaya, Izyumsky district, who thanked the Russian soldiers from the bottom of their hearts. It was especially nice to hear the opinions of the children about the celebration of the Victory Day.

Many local residents said that the Ukrainian military behaved in the opposite way, stealing food at night.

Also, in many liberated cities, Russian fighters handed out St. George ribbons to everyone and gave food packages.

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