Step 12: having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we carried the message to….

2 years ago

Step 12 having how do you spiritual awakening as a result of these steps we tried to carry the message to other alcoholics and to practice these principles in all of our affairs #AA #AlcoholicsAnonymous #BestAASpeaker #AASpeaker #QuitDrinking #QuitDrugs #QuitAlcohol #QuitCocaine #DrugAbuse #AlcoholAbuse #Recovery#Sobriety #Love #Service #LovingService #OneDayAtATime #God #Christianity #Buddhism #JordanPeterson #JoeRogan #DoctorPhil #HelpQuitDrinking #HelpWithDrugs #Messages #QuickMath #FatNoll #PointFentanyl #fentanyl#FentanylOverdose #FentanylAbuse #QuittingFentanyl #Xanax #QuittingXanax #QuitXanax #XanaxAbuse #XanaxRecovery #FentanylOverdose #DrugOverdose#SelfReflection #Self-help #SelfAwareness #SuicidePrevention #SuicideAwareness #SuicidePreventionAwareness

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