Wealth Transfer - Weak Hands ADMONISHMENT

2 years ago


Sharing my heart

REGARDING "Wealth-Transfer - Weak hands"

This presentation was very difficult to produce and even more difficult to post. I wrestled for about 8 days making it and YT refused to let me upload it twice, which made it even harder!

Admonishment is not merely information transfer; it requires the soul of the “teacher” to plead for the souls of others. It takes time and takes a toll on the “admonisher,” hence it is often the work of the spiritually mature. Paul says he admonished with tears the Ephesians every day for three years (Acts 20:31).

When Jesus taught his disciples he would often say VERILY VERILY, when I am getting ready to hit a home run spiritually my version of this is "pay attention, pay attention" !

By nature I am a non confrontational person, I do not like to admonish or correct. Unfortunately when you teach the gospel you are held with a very HIGH STANDARD and you have to go to uncomfortable places in order that the truth may be delivered. The bible is not as the world, if you love people you tell them the truth even if it hurts. We see this time and time again. Unfortunately in todays arena too many are teaching without having a firm footing in scripture.

It really gets to me, like it did Jesus, when we see the sheep without a shepherd. Especially those on the milk being taught incorrectly, this causes a great grievance to the Spirit inside the teacher.

I hope this presentation will be received in the love in which it was made, forgive the gentle background sighs and exasperations it is my own spirit that cant bear to see the dark side (globalists) win. I also long deeply to deliver a whole truth not just a tickling of ears. I really hope the Josephs get it.

Like I said these videos are not for everybody.

For those of you who are listening, thank you for paying attention

With love

PS Who knows how long these videos will stay up, YT doesn't like the truth all too much. We live in a world where people get so easily offended, there is less critical thinking and people "get the hump" if you disagree with the narrative. Truly for someone who loves truth.... mind boggles!

PPS If any brave soul is going to attempt to debate please bring scripture verses. Not theories taught by incorrect churches. I welcome a healthy and hearty discussion and I am very open to correction myself.

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