2014 Conference AMMACH ARCHIVES - MARK WINDOWS Dot Connecting & more Excerpt 40 22' 19.12.22.

2 years ago

Following the theme of bringing the AMMACH ARCHIVES up to date, the 2014 conference, edited for clarity and out of archived files into a public space, despite technical difficulties, serves as a point of timeless information and testimony relating to the deep relationship that exists for certain people in the world related to experiences of ET/alien/space family in all its forms.

Mark Windows has been researching the human experience including consciousness, paranormal, ET, Agenda 21/30, human rights and highlights some of the factors behind the current global efforts - the take over of Earth and humanity. He shares with us insights that people like Lloyd Pye (Starchild skull project) and Brien Foerster - who has spent years trekking Peru and other ancient locations in search of the anomalous details relating to our ancient ancestry and forebears, of ancient civilisations, seemingly written out of history....

The Paracus elongated and red haired skulls of this region, and in fact many areas world wide beg the question of who these large people were, as they were quite distinct from modern humanity.

Mark has his own regular podcast on spreaker and odysee and other platforms having been thrown off Youtube over time...you can catch up with his regular invaluable informative shows here...

He drills down to the enth detail of what is occurring through legislation being rolled out by the World Economic Forum, the impact on the UK and globally, the UN, and the climate change fiasco as well as the depopulation agenda, now seemingly underway...

Mark's lively presentation brings in the audience, as well as sharing something of his years of research and insights. Before it folded, Mark was a contributor with his own show, at The People's Voice TV (TPV) which I was a guest on before it folded. TPV was also a David Icke platform...but like many of these good ideas, often the infiltrators arrive to throw it off course and cause dissention and chaos before leaving the intended outcome a sure thing...the closure of the project....

Mark leads a peripatetic life, broadcasting from all over the place whether it be Europe or Nepal. He helps bring a wry and balanced view, backed by evidence which he references leading to the unequivocal point, that there be some bad folks up in them there guzzillionaire rarified hills, intent on pulling the frequency of humanity into the gulag and distopian world of fear and loathing...a plan that has been decades if not longer in the conception and inception of....who is pulling the ultimate strings?

Not to leave us in the mire, Mark ever espouses the remedy, that the Klaus Schwabbers of the world do not have the last say, and we are more than capable and able to turn things around....if only we would.

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