Well That Didn't Go Like I Expected. ║ 24 Days of HEALTH (& Diet) Days 20-23 /24

1 year ago

Days 20-23: Stress! (and finally the H.A.M. diet)

I didn't know until a few years ago how impactful stress is on weight gain/weight loss. Not only do we tend to eat more to reduce our stress (resulting in gaining weight), but even with the best diet, stress makes our bodies hang on to everything so we still can't lose weight!

So I definitely had some of that these past few days between an ER visit and needing to have our dear dog (June Bug) put down.


For 24 days, I'm going to post daily, getting YOUR help to stay accountable as I get to a healthier weight.

I'll discuss 5 things I do when I "diet" (4 that I try and do all the time, 1** especially when I need to get to a more ideal weight).

1. WAPF eating
2. Fasting (intermittent)
3. Journaling (Transformation Prayer Ministry)
4. Movement
5. "H.A.M." diet**

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