Necessity Of Christian Living And Good Works In The Last Days Before The Rapture-NTEB-DEC 18 2022

2 years ago


What a wonderful and amazing thing it is to be saved, born again and sealed unto the day of redemption! This is something that no other dispensation offers, it is unique to the Church Age where believers are placed into the body of Christ. Want to start an immediate argument on social media? Just start talking about 'once saved, always saved', and you'll have all the contention you could possibly imagine, but eternal security is Bible doctrine. Now let's talk about where good works come into play for the sealed believer in Jesus Christ. Paul shows us that we are not saved by our works, and not kept by our works, but that good works do play a part in the sanctified life of the Christian. Some of the things that should be present in the life of all Christians is a love for the brethren, a willingness to be useful to the body of Christ, a desire to see lost people saved and saved people get on fire for God. Now the question arises, how do we manage all this in light of having to live life in the 21st century? The same way they did back in the first century, by laying down your desires for the will of God, to accomplish the work that He saved you to do. How did Eutychus fall out of the window and break his neck while listening to the preaching of the greatest Christian in world history? Because he was half in, and half out, as gravity and 'falling asleep on the job' will always pull you down and never up. Today I would like to bring you a message on the necessity of good works in the life of the born again believer living in the last days before the Rapture

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