2014 conference AMMACH ARCHIVES excerpt - EXPERIENCER - SAMANTHA MACDONALD 11 51' 15 12 2

2 years ago

Following the theme of bringing the AMMACH ARCHIVES up to date, the 2014 conference, edited for clarity and out of files into a public space, despite technical difficulties, serves as a point of timeless information and testimony relating to the deep relationship that exists for certain people in the world related to experiences of ET/alien/space family in all its forms.

When Samantha first came across my radar, she did so in full disguise. She was so nervous and scared that she might leave herself vulnerable to negative backlash from our contact. She sent me a video of herself, speaking about her experiences in a mask, leaving no opportunity for identification. This awful fear is not unusual, and eventually, as you will see, she was able to relax and share her story without fear of ridicule or any other negative response. Whatever my opinion is - if I see the person is authentic, genuine, sincere and with a good heart, I am open to spending my time listening to them, and supporting in any way I can.

You can see Samantha's interview with me from some years back also, as well as the one she sent in disguise on my Youtube channel...It takes an enormous amount of courage to share such incredible stories, so whatever your take on this vignette from Samantha (sadly our tech issues meant sound was in the main difficult, and some of the audio was not useable...) remember your own challenges in life and how they affected you.

Samantha really stood on the tail of the tiger when she appeared with me on This Morning - a UK TV main stream popular morning programme....April 2014, she really stepped up to owning her experience publicly, and I was at her side for support.

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