Anti Feminists Are A Threat To US Government - MGTOW

2 years ago

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“Anti Feminists” Now A THREAT To Federal Government

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Rob and he wants me to discuss a video by Rollo Tomassi called: "Anti Feminists” Now A THREAT To Federal Government. In it he covers a story from CBS from March of 2022 about how the Secret Service says that Anti Feminists are a threat to the government. Rollo says where were they eight years ago to issue that warning before Elliot rampage went on a rampage as well as that guy that took out a bunch of babes at a Yoga Studio? Rollo brings up the True Forced Loneliness which I also remember back in 2014 and how angry they were back when they couldn't get laid. So why is this story relevant now and not before? I think it all comes down to safety. Today's world is all about safety while back in the day it was about freedom. Andrew Tate says that the reason for that is that governments have realized they can't control people now that we have internet freedom so instead they are trying to control us by selling safety to us. I don't think it's a conspiracy so much as them catering to female votes which make up the majority of the electorate and whamen's obsession with their personal safety. I don't see it as control through safety so much as manipulating women and weak effeminate men with the promise of safety. Rollo doesn't understand why the Secret Service a branch that protects politicians is investigating incels. I don't understand either and he thinks they have been asleep at the wheel for almost a decade. My only run in with the secret service was when they tackled the DJ while he was carrying records in across the the street to a hotel in DC. Obama wasn't even in the white house so I have no idea why they freaked out so much. I know the Secret Service would also investigate computer crime and hackers. But they should be more worried about the economic impact of incels and not the revolutionary one. Sure we're in the 4th turning and that's the most dangerous time for revolutions. Plus having a soyciety filled with single men is usually fertile ground for that revolution to happen. But have you seen the sad state of men these days that look I've been eating too much soy? Usually those are the incels so I don't think governments and the secret service have to worry about men creating a conventional revolution. The real threat is that incels are creating is rising inflation that puts the cherry on top of the money printing machines. Many incels are living quiet lives of desperation instead of taking action. It's such a small minority of men. My course of action if I were the government and I wanted to slow the spread of incel ideas would be to promote the violence of guys like Eliot Roger and Alek Minassian the guy that went GTA in GTA so that their ideas wouldn't spread as quickly online. They can't stop them but they can slow them down. So far when it comes to black pilled incels they are either failing miserably or it's just rhetoric to make women feel safer that something is being done to protect them. That according to Rollo the idea is to virtue signal that the federal government is protecting whamen. That the creepy guys that aren't getting laid are a huge threat and were here to protect you from those creeps. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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