December 19th oracle card: express yourself

2 years ago

I’m struggling with today’s card. On the one hand, of course I know it is our birthright to express ourselves in whatever way is most fulfilling for us. But on the other hand, the lifelong people pleaser in me says that I have to always express myself with kindness because I never want to hurt someone else. I suppose it comes back to motives. It’s one thing to speak my truth, and another thing to intentionally speak my truth in a way meant to be hurtful.

#expressyourself #conundrum #oraclecards #spirituality #selfawareness #journaling

I use oracle cards as journal prompts and for daily reflection to guide spiritual growth and self-awareness.

Follow me on Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, TikTok, and Rumble: @planetbuchanan

Blessings. ❤️

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