2 years ago

The Devil 👿 Is A Sissy and their Symbolism is Idiotic . It’s the abuse of babies, children and adults that’s making them go one way vacations to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

To meet future legend : JAG JUDGE 👨‍⚖️

I Like to call him , ~ The Hangman Of Havanna ~

Todays Editorial is about Election Reform.

MY EDITORIALS Requirements for public office.

We need more from White Hats than self indulgent ego trippers who think they can decide what truths we learn in what order at what time.

Just tell us the Truth, roll out the MEDBEDS and shut the fuck up.

Up until now, elections have been a rich man’s popularity contest.

I think that the only way to trust our leadership is to raise the bar significantly like what is required of a surgeon.

These are samples of the kind of qualifications that should be required- because the jobs of our leaders are so important that they SHOULD HAVE TO HAVE A DEMONSTRATED TRUST AND SKILL SET FOR THE JOB.

Reasons to be instantly ruled out of fitness for public office.

1.) Anyone who hasn’t done 10 years of physical work.

2.) Nobody with Duel Citizenship.

3.) Nobody who is worth more than one million dollars.

4.) Nobody over 65.

5.) Nobody who still wets the bed at night.

6.) Nobody without a college degree or demonstrated equivalent of intelligence or work experiments to be determined later.

7.) No commies, no Muslims, no trannies, no gays, nobody for abortion, nobody who has ever committed a felony, nobody who won’t submit to 24 hour surveillance on a CSPAN type of public monitoring with sound but not in bedroom.

8.) Nobody who can’t do Business Math, know Business Law, or demonstrate full comprehension of basic world history, the Constitution or our Bill of Rights.

9.) No one who has never raised a child up to at least the age of ten.

10. ) No one who won’t submit to 24 hour public knowledge of their finances or full 24 hour public surveillance when outside the country.

In elections a candidate should get 50 extra votes if..,.

They were ever in the military
They were ever a public servant
They have done public services
Worked in law enforcement
Worked in Medical field.
Worked in Public Safety , etc

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