A Cosmic Chat with Heather Ensworth Astrologer

2 years ago

I am thrilled to share with you this high-vibe chat with Heather whom I have my deepest respect for. We discussed the Three Waves of Volunteers concept from Dolores Cannon and how there is another wave coming to earth now, the Diamond Souls. I shared many stories from QHHT sessions. We talked about Galactic Astrology and how the four Royal Stars influence our lives on a collective and individual level and so much more. This was truly a wonderful experience for both of us and we hope you will find it valuable and enjoyable.

Heather Ensworth, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years of experience. She is also an internationally known astrologer with over 20 years of experience and a shamanic practitioner. She has worked with sacred circles for women for more than 20 years. She is committed to exploring and teaching ancient wisdom and healing practices for our own healing and the healing of the Earth.

#galactic #galacticastrology #astrology #juliabalaz #course #birthchart #practitioner #galacticcentre #fixedstars #starseeds #QHHT

Heather's Link:
Website: https://risingmoonhealingcenter.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClJu...

Video Minutes:
00:00 Intro
02:02 - QHHT sessions, Dolores Cannon's hypnotic technique and Astrology
09:00 - Uprising of Galactic Astrologers
10:18 - Starseeds Volunteers Waves
14:00 - Source Connection
16:00 - Challenges of Starseeds
17:30 - Non-Verbal Children, Autistic Children
19:20 - Perfectionism Struggle
22:20 - Yearning to go Home
23:30 - Shifting perspectives
27:27 - Two earth grids
30:00 - Self-Mastery
32:22 - Beta Centauri, Hadar Souls
33:33 - Four Royal Stars (Fomalhaut, Regulus, Antares, Aldebaran)
37:10 - We are fragments of source
39:50 - Transformational Astrology
42:20 - Galactic Astrologers Community
45:23 - Transits Stars & Planets
49:00 - Galactic Center Conjunct
52:10 - Planets in aspect to Fixed Stars
56:15 - Closing

Julia's links:
Main Website: https://galacticastrology.com
Courses: https://starseedsteachable.com
Free Astro Calculator: https://GalacticAstroChart.com

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