John O’Looney: Black Watch troops have told me this is the plan … (uncensored version)

2 years ago

This looks dated...but not sure

John O'Looney talks about how they are training Albanian and other foreign troops who are coming as fake ‘migrants’ to take over the United Kingdom for their masters when another lockdown is declared. If this is to be believed, it makes some sense as we really don’t have enough Army or Police to deal with any United Kingdom unrest in the next few years. What Army we have left, that hasn’t been sent to the Ukraine western border, will be driving ambulances, fire engines, fixing power outages, manning border control and assisting in Hospitals. To name but a few.

He also talks about how so many people will be dead that got the MRNA Bioweapon JAB and there is nothing that can be done for them and they are all doomed and will die.

When they do start dying in large numbers, they will simply say that this is a new variant despite the fact that they are the ones that killed them with their MRNA Bioweapon Jabs of death.

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